Saturday, 14 March 2009

The End for Me...

Its the small things you forget about... yeah there some stuff that could have been useful in the finished movie, like the exercises i was doing and polygon counts for the interior, which is 20,000 polygons. Bit anoyed i forgot these.

Erm handed my dvd to Sam Saunders hopefully he will remember it on Monday, otherwise Jared wont have my work!

The finished piece...

Yeah very pleased with how my skills have progressed not just in maya but my drawing ability and understanding of photoshop, as before this project i hadnt really used photoshop at all. My texturing has vastly improved and im happy that i am working to a standard they do in the games industry. That applies to my modelling as well as i have had set targets on poly counts.

I feel my exterior is stronger than the interior i think this as i had a bit of difficulty with the lighting and rendering of the final thing. Alot of weird flickering, i think it may be some sort of reflection? But not sure as i checked all my textures?

The project has helped me understand my long term goal that it is the games industry i want to go in to and that i feel my expertise are in modelling exteriors, but as i said my texturing is getting better. I feel that actual animation isnt my thing any more and there are a lot of people in the class better than me, but practise makes perfect. I also want to look in to rigging a lot more, it feels like your the unsung hero, something i like to think of my self.

I felt at times that i hadnt done enough in this project though looking at what other people were able to do made me think that i have just stuck to the brief and didnt expand upon it, but then i thought about it and i was working on my own and i am pleased with what i was able to produce in the time given, if i do it again i would like to shread the hand in by at least two weeks, as there were times were i just didnt get on with the project or had i down day.

I was pleased with my planning and organisation i was rendering throughout the project which helped a lot in the final week, i stuck to my dates of completing modelling etc.

Looking at my brief again i feel i ticked all the boxes i wanted to do, i feel my building could be placed in a game like far cry 2, i feel the building has a good structure to be put in a multiplayer map with nooks and crannys for the player to hide, ambush and defend. This was a big issue for me i wanted the building to make people think how they would approach it would they just run in? try and sneak round the back? wait fot the guard to go? all these different responses.

I felt my interior suffered due to the amount of time i spent on the exterior i think it got to like week 6 and i had only just started work on the interior properly, this was the only lack of my planning.

So on the whole very pleased with what i produced, going to try something similar over easter :)

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